Morning Meetings

by Jill Newman

“Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8

I yawned, stretched and smoothly rolled out of bed. Bleary-eyed, I stumbled downstairs into the kitchen. Grabbing an energy drink from the fridge, I headed into the family room to do a little Bible reading before school. As I opened the Bible app on my phone, the little hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up. Someone else was in the room!

Quickly turning on the light, I saw Him. Jesus was in my family room! Excitedly, I told Him how amazing it was to see Him and actually spend time with Him. Then, without really meaning to, I burst out with all the things I had been worrying about - my upcoming math test that I hadn’t really studied for, my fear that I wouldn’t be picked to replace an injured track team member and my confusion about why I keep getting sideways with my best friend. Jesus was such a great listener that I even felt comfortable sharing some of the sins I was really struggling with lately. He pointed out some bible verses to me that were helpful and encouraging, as well as challenging, and He told me He would help me apply them. I felt so joyful and at peace as I left for school that day!

The next morning was the same, and the one after that. As the days passed, mornings with Jesus became my new habit. He was always there ready to meet with me. My faith grew by leaps and bounds as I really got to know Him. His insights into the scriptures were so amazing! Reading through His word together became the very best part of my day.

Then, a few weeks later, I got the call that I’d made the track team! I had to start training immediately. Unfortunately, instead of jumping out of bed to meet with Jesus, my mornings were now spent jumping into sweats and hitting the dark streets with the team. I reasoned that since Jesus had answered my prayer about being on the team, He would definitely understand why I couldn’t meet with Him in the morning. Besides, I was sure He had much more important things to do besides meeting with me.

The months flew by, and life got busier and busier. With training, schoolwork, chores and my new part time job, I barely had time to even stay connected with my friends, let alone have a quiet time. Surely Jesus understood that! However, the crazier my schedule got, the more stressed out and worried I became. Would I get that track scholarship? Were my grades even good enough for college? Why was my best friend spending so much time with that guy we can’t stand? Can’t my parents see that I don’t have time for all of these chores?!

Then this morning, the worst possible thing happened. As I jumped out of bed for my early training run, I landed on my little brother’s latest stupid Lego creation, and turned my ankle so badly, I’m sure it’s a serious sprain. It swelled up twice its size immediately! That was it! Now I’d be kicked off the team, and could kiss that track scholarship goodbye. Groaning loudly, I limped downstairs to get some ice from the kitchen and saw a light on in the family room. Surprised that anyone else was up this early, I poked my head in and there He was. Jesus was sitting there on my couch. Stunned, I asked Him how He knew that I would be coming down this morning.

He kindly smiled and replied, “Oh, I’ve been here every morning. I’ve missed you.”


In every season of life, setting aside time alone to meet with God can be challenging. And, while any time of day is a great time to spend with Jesus, a morning quiet time has some advantages. Many days we rush around from the moment we hop out of bed, making our own plans, worrying about upcoming tasks or events, and trying to solve problems on the fly. However, when we start our day with the Lord, asking Him to direct our path, He gives us peace, wisdom and guidance as we plan our day around His will rather than our own. Throughout the day, we can think about the verses that stood out to us that morning, reminding us to let go of resentment, worry, and fear, and encouraging us to trust God in all things.

The Creator of the universe yearns for us to draw near to Him. He knows and loves us better than anyone else in the world and longs to have a close relationship with us. Don’t. leave Jesus waiting!

Reflection: Read Psalms 23, 91 and 103.

Go back through each psalm and make a list of the many ways the Lord cares for you. Ask the Lord to give you a hunger to know Him more as you read His word and pray.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

*Prepare the night before: set out your bible, notebook, pen and maybe even a cozy blanket!

*Set a time goal, even 5 -10 minutes is a start! Work to increase it.

*Get a head start! Begin your quiet time in bed - pray, recite a memory verse, sing a song to Him.

*For those extra busy days: put encouraging verses on your bathroom mirror to meditate on and play worship music while you get ready.

Circle one or more suggestions that you will start right away. Add a few ideas of your own. Spending time with Jesus today can be just one day in your life, or it can be Day One. Your choice!


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