Code of Conduct
Our heart behind the Impact code of conduct is to provide an environment where all students and leaders are supported, safe, and respected. We believe each person is accountable for their actions and that one way we can demonstrate love for each other is by respecting these guidelines.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” — Romans 12:1-2
RESPECTING LEADERS | Students are responsible for honoring those in authority by following rules and directions as given, leading by example among their peers.
LANGUAGE | Students are responsible for demonstrating respect for others through their use of appropriate language, avoiding profanity, slurs, or degradation of others through verbal and nonverbal communication.
BEHAVIOR TOWARDS OTHERS | Students are responsible for their actions and will not harass, intimidate, or bully others.
ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES | Students are not permitted to use or be in possession of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, nicotine or other substances illegal for minors at Impact events.
WEAPONS | Students are not permitted to be in possession of weapons during Impact events (e.g. guns, pocket knives, lighters, etc.)
DRESS CODE POLICY | Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing that adheres to the dress code:
No undergarments showing
Gals - no exposed midriff; please wear one piece suits or tankinis while swimming (pro tip: wear a dark colored tank top over your bikini!)
Guys - shirts stay on unless we are swimming; please no speedos
PROPERTY | Students are responsible for respecting FBC property and event properties.
PARTICIPATION | Students are expected to participate in all scheduled activities during Impact events and retreats (e.g. meal times, teaching sessions, game times, etc.), and will stay with the group until dismissed by a leader or the event concludes.
RELATIONSHIPS | Students are expected to refrain from public displays of affections during Impact events. While at overnight events, no girls in guys’ dorms, and no guys in the girls’ dorms.
Consequences can include but not be limited to:
Conversation with your small group leader
Conversation with the Impact staff & your parent/guardian
Being sent home from an Impact event, with your parents being called to pick you up
Suspension from future Impact events