Song Spotlight: Same God

by Makayla Guzman

Change is hard. It is also inevitable. So how can we find comfort during seasons of life where things are uncertain, hopeless, or unpredictable? How do we find rest when we feel like life is spinning outside of our control?

Malachi 3:6 | For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

Hebrews 6:17-19 | So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 

One of the things that we are constantly reminded of throughout Scripture is that our God does not change. He is immutable. His character and attributes have existed in their full perfection for all of eternity, since before the creation of this world. His purposes and his plan have remained constant as well: to glorify himself through the salvation of his creation through the sacrifice of his Son. 

It is his unchanging nature that allows for his people to trust his word. When he promises to be near, he will be. When he promises salvation and deliverance, he will do it. When he says that he is the God of love and of justice, he will prove it time and time again.

One of our favorite worship songs that we sing at Impact that demonstrates this attribute of God’s immutability is “Same God” by Elevation Worship.

In verse one, we are called to remember how God was faithful to Jacob and Moses to be their rescue and salvation.

I'm calling on the God of Jacob, whose love endures through generations

I know that You will keep Your covenant

I'm calling on the God of Moses, the one who opened up the ocean

I need You now to do the same thing for me

In verse two, we are reminded that throughout history, God works through even the weakest and most unlikely people to accomplish his purposes

I'm calling on the God of Mary, whose favor rests upon the lowly

I know with You all things are possible

I'm calling on the God of David, who made a shepherd boy courageous

I may not face Goliath, but I've got my own giants

The bridge reminds us that in the same way the Lord has demonstrated his goodness and greatness throughout time to his people, he continues to be faithful to us even now.

You heard Your children then, You hear Your children now…

You answered prayers back then, And You will answer now…

You were providing then, You are providing now…

You moved in power then, God, move in power now…

You were a healer then, You are a healer now…

You were a savior then, You are a savior now

Perhaps my favorite line in the song is repeated several times in the choruses. It reminds me that when life is uncertain, our God is steady. When circumstances are changing outside my control, our God is still sovereign. When my relationships are rocky and unpredictable, our God is the Rock on which we can stand with confidence

O Rock, O Rock of ages, I'm standing on Your faithfulness


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