Everyone is Watching | Using Social Media as a Platform for the Gospel
In many ways, social media is inherently self-centered. We tend to post the best of ourselves in the hopes that people will like what they see and, in turn, like us. But what if we were to turn this idea of self-centeredness on its head? How could we use our platforms and our followings to share the Gospel in a time of anxiety and fear?
Lean Into Desperate Times
Quite honestly, there’s nothing like desperation to amp up our prayer lives and help us learn how to storm the throne room of heaven. We learn some of the deepest truths about life with God in the toughest times, including the truth that we cannot make it through without clinging to Jesus…
It Is Finished | Easter 2020
Download the e-book here for our daily devotional series leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
His Life Was Basically A Telenovela | Quarantine Quiet Times
Relying on our expectations of people or circumstances for satisfaction, security or purpose will always lead us to disappointment, and God allows us to experience these disappointments so we can understand this absolute truth: “Sometimes He lets us hit rock bottom so we can discover He is the Rock at the bottom.” (Tony Evans)…
Do You Have an Anchor? | Quarantine Quiet Times
Right now we are living through an unprecedented time in history. The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked the world and definitely rocked our little corner of it. At times, the fear and panic that this will never end, that we’re trapped, can be overwhelming. But, each time I open His Word, I find a perspective that reveals…