
Retreat Devotionals Michael Lennox Retreat Devotionals Michael Lennox

My Soul Waits for the Lord

What are you waiting for? Have you ever been in a place where you feel stuck? Where you feel as though life is passing by but you’re not moving with it? Where you feel like your sin is overwhelming, making you feel ashamed and broken? The Bible passage we will study today is written by a person who feels overwhelmed by their sin…

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Spiritual Disciplines Michael Lennox Spiritual Disciplines Michael Lennox


Chances are that you have been told many times to read your Bible on a regular basis and you would love to build on that habit, but you don’t really know where to start. Reading the Bible is a wonderful practice, but you want to dig deeper. What does it mean to really study the Bible?

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Retreat Devotionals Michael Lennox Retreat Devotionals Michael Lennox

The APPLE Bible Study Method

One of our main goals at Impact is that you would be students of the Word of God. With that in mind, we want to equip you with tools to add to your arsenal for studying the Bible and learning from it. This week’s blog post is designed to get you to do just that. Let’s dig in and study God’s Word together!

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

Is Free Will Real?

Do people have free will? This is a broad question that could be answered in several ways. It is also a complex question that has been debated, discussed, researched, and written about in great detail. Here I will point out some basics things to consider when determining if free will is real…

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Retreat Devotionals Makayla Guzman Retreat Devotionals Makayla Guzman

The 5 P’s Bible Study Method

Following the mountaintop experience of a weekend long retreat, your first week back at home might present challenges that you didn’t see coming. Maybe you’re feeling emotionally disconnected and lonely now that you’re not surrounded by Christian community 24/7. Maybe you’re doubting if your recommitment to Jesus was sincere. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of opening your Bible on your own.

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

Why is John such a different Gospel?

John is, for sure, a different sort of gospel: both in tone and content. You can tell from the first chapter (where John launches into a breathtaking, poetic prologue that starts before creation and previews the incarnation, rejection, mission, and triumph of Jesus) that this is going to be something distinctive…

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