
Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

What is Modesty?

Modesty. Just say the word and many people immediately grab their soapbox and get ready to spout their opinions on the subject. While no two opinions are completely alike, many would agree that a modest home, for example, is considered a well-cared for, but basic house. The same is true regarding a modest meal. While it may be small and simple, it’s still healthy and good. Although we likely disagree on the details, most of us agree that modest clothing is a good thing, yet when it comes to our behavior and abilities, people frequently say, “Don’t be so modest.” Like it’s a bad thing. So which is it?

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

How Can I Grow in Discernment?

“How can I grow in discernment? What does that actually mean? Is that different than wisdom?”

We talk about wisdom and discernment, but what do they mean? We may want to be wise and discerning but how do we do that? They are closely related, and we can grow in both, but before looking at how to grow, let’s define discernment and wisdom. In a devotional from the NIV Lifehacks Bible, wisdom is defined as “a capacity of the mind that allows us to understand life from God’s perspective.” Wisdom comes from a proper view of God…

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

How Can I Help a Friend Who is Suicidal?

“What do I do if I get a suicidal text from one of my friends, telling me that they’re about to end their life. Who do I go to/what do I do to help them? Is praying a good thing to do at this time?”

First off, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call or text 988 to speak with someone 24/7. You also have people here at Impact who want to walk alongside you if you’d like to speak to someone face to face. There is so much hope for you. You are loved beyond words.

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

Should Christians Practice Lent?

Many of us are familiar with the Christian calendar’s season of Advent, the weeks leading up to Christmas spent reflecting and worshipping God for the miracle that He sent His Son to save us. We even just had an Advent blog series in December here at Impact. But many young Christians aren’t aware that Advent is only one of many seasons of the traditional Christian liturgical calendar. While the liturgical church calendar is often associated with the Catholic church and other orthodox denominations, there are principles and practices to these various seasons that are helpful for all of us as we pursue Christ and seek to become more like Him

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

Is Free Will Real?

Do people have free will? This is a broad question that could be answered in several ways. It is also a complex question that has been debated, discussed, researched, and written about in great detail. Here I will point out some basics things to consider when determining if free will is real…

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