O Come All Ye Faithful
On a dark night, in a regular field, 2000 years ago, ordinary men watched over their sheep. On this seemingly routine work night for the shepherds, God chose to change their lives and make the most wonderful news known to them. He revealed the birth of the long-awaited Savior to these ordinary men! Why reveal this great news to shepherds? Why not share it with a religious leader or someone with political power? You see, God knew the hearts of these men. He didn’t just randomly flip a coin to see which field His angels should arrive in. God had a perfect plan. The shepherds were specifically chosen by God for His divine purpose…
Silent Night, Holy Night
The holiday season often feels like a whirlwind. Between holiday parties, shopping for gifts, decorating, and school events, the pace of December can leave us feeling tired. Christmas, the celebration of Jesus’ birth, can become just another thing on our to-do list. But what if we celebrate Christmas a little differently this year? What if taking the time to slow down this year isn’t just good for us but essential for experiencing the true joy of the season?
O Come O Come Emmanuel
I love the musical diversity of Christmas carols. Seriously, how often do we get to sing in a minor key at church? Most of the time we are trying to capture the joy of the Lord with our worship music, but this carol is mournful. At a time as cheerful as Christmas, what is there to mourn?
What Are You Thankful For?
When posed the question, “What are you thankful for?” God's provision in some form is likely to be the first thing to come to your mind. The list of his provision in your life might include your family, friends, health, freedom, food, or even a place to sleep. Now, if this is the case for you, like it is for most of us, you could use a change in perspective - we all could. When thinking about Biblical thankfulness, Colossians 1-2 is not a bad place to start…
Jesus expects, even commands His disciples to fast and explains how to and how not to do it. Yet, fasting is probably one of the least practiced spiritual disciplines among Christians in America today. It is important to keep a proper view of God in mind when we look at spiritual disciplines. We must remember that God is sovereign and that fasting is not a means of manipulating God. Fasting is also not a way in which we gain favor from God. Our position with God as His children was accomplished by the person and work of Jesus, not our own doing…
Embracing Spiritual Responsibility
In the heart of New York City, Spider-Man soared through the night sky, his suit a blur of red and blue against the shimmering skyscrapers. Below, the city pulsed with life, but Spider-Man—Peter Parker—was deep in thought. Recently visited by Uncle Ben, Peter was contemplating the profound lesson: with great power comes great responsibility. This phrase, once familiar, now resonated with new depth…
Meditation & Memorization
When I say “meditation,” you probably think of a skinny guy with a white beard sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak saying “OMMMMMmmmmmmm…..”
Well, that’s not biblical meditation. Meditation, according to the Bible, is not emptying your mind, but filling it. Specifically, filling it with the truth of the Bible in such a way that prompts you to ponder. Consider. Ask questions. Chew. Imagine. Reflect. Repent. Rejoice. Worship…
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Every year as people around the world start prepping costumes, buying candy, and putting up spooky decor in October, a question resounds for many Christians: should we celebrate Halloween? This can be a tricky topic to navigate with many different perspectives and ideas surrounding it. In order to best address this question, we have to first look at the origins of Halloween and also consider the modern implications of the holiday…
Identity in Christ
How often do you dwell on your mistakes? If you’re anything like high school Michael, then probably a lot! Not all of us are wired the same way, but there seems to be a common thread during the teenage years of being hyper aware of the things we aren’t proud of and then dwelling on those things. This awareness can often lead to a spiral of guilt and shame, resulting in feeling pretty down in the dumps…