
Testimony Makayla Guzman Testimony Makayla Guzman

Testimony: Joeli Kramer

I’m very blessed to have been raised in a Christian family. I became a Christian when I was about four years old. At the time I definitely didn’t fully understand what Jesus’ sacrifice meant, I just knew I needed him as my Savior. Since then, I’ve learned much more about God, and He has taught me many lessons.  One night when I was seven, I woke up in the middle of the night to my parents talking loudly and my brother crying. It turns out my brother, who was three, had a seizure…

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Testimony Makayla Guzman Testimony Makayla Guzman

Testimony: Emma DeVries

I’ve always tried to find a creative way to start my testimony other than saying “I grew up in a Christian household…” but that’s the truth. I was blessed to have been introduced to Christ and the Gospel from a very young age. By the time I was five or six, I understood the basic principles of the gospel and of faith and considered myself to be a believer. Growing up in the church, I had the opportunity to hear testimonies from so many believers. I would listen to their stories and was amazed at the hardships they went through and how God led them through those trials and closer to Him. I remember being in middle school and feeling like my story was SO boring…

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Testimony Makayla Guzman Testimony Makayla Guzman

Testimony: Ely Plunket

I was born to loving parents who really wanted a child. They tried to have kids for 10 years with multiple miscarriages and so they were overjoyed to have a miracle baby. I grew up in church and with a Bible teacher dad so I knew all the answers. Many of the students at Impact are like me in this way. Growing up in a church with Christian parents who care about your faith is an amazing blessing…

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Testimony Makayla Guzman Testimony Makayla Guzman

Testimony: Amelia Green

All throughout the school year, I fought God. I didn’t pray to him, I didn’t thank him for everything I had, and I still resented him for what had happened. I still went to church with my family on Sundays, but…

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Testimony Makayla Guzman Testimony Makayla Guzman

Testimony: Kiara Franz

I want to start my testimony with a disclaimer: If at any point I say that I did something to get myself out of the bad place I was in, then that’s wrong. What I really mean is GOD took me out of that state and brought me to glory.

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Testimony Makayla Guzman Testimony Makayla Guzman

Testimony: Lola Green

I thought I was fine. I went to Church, I read the scripted prayers, I sang the hymns, and I read my bible... sometimes. The problem was, that I didn't care…

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