Testimony: Joeli Kramer
I’m very blessed to have been raised in a Christian family. I became a Christian when I was about four years old. At the time I definitely didn’t fully understand what Jesus’ sacrifice meant, I just knew I needed him as my Savior. Since then, I’ve learned much more about God, and He has taught me many lessons. One night when I was seven, I woke up in the middle of the night to my parents talking loudly and my brother crying. It turns out my brother, who was three, had a seizure…
Testimony: Emma DeVries
I’ve always tried to find a creative way to start my testimony other than saying “I grew up in a Christian household…” but that’s the truth. I was blessed to have been introduced to Christ and the Gospel from a very young age. By the time I was five or six, I understood the basic principles of the gospel and of faith and considered myself to be a believer. Growing up in the church, I had the opportunity to hear testimonies from so many believers. I would listen to their stories and was amazed at the hardships they went through and how God led them through those trials and closer to Him. I remember being in middle school and feeling like my story was SO boring…
Testimony: Ely Plunket
I was born to loving parents who really wanted a child. They tried to have kids for 10 years with multiple miscarriages and so they were overjoyed to have a miracle baby. I grew up in church and with a Bible teacher dad so I knew all the answers. Many of the students at Impact are like me in this way. Growing up in a church with Christian parents who care about your faith is an amazing blessing…
Testimony: Rachel Wright
Today I’m going to be telling you the story about how God changed my life. How he has always been pursuing me and leading me towards His grace and mercy…
Testimony: Amelia Green
All throughout the school year, I fought God. I didn’t pray to him, I didn’t thank him for everything I had, and I still resented him for what had happened. I still went to church with my family on Sundays, but…
Testimony: Kiara Franz
I want to start my testimony with a disclaimer: If at any point I say that I did something to get myself out of the bad place I was in, then that’s wrong. What I really mean is GOD took me out of that state and brought me to glory.
Testimony: Lola Green
I thought I was fine. I went to Church, I read the scripted prayers, I sang the hymns, and I read my bible... sometimes. The problem was, that I didn't care…