
Reflections Michael Lennox Reflections Michael Lennox

Who is This Jesus?

He came into the world He created, born in a manger on a night in Bethlehem. He came quietly, but his coming was the moment the tide began to turn. The world had long ago rejected its maker, it would soon reject Him too, as it was written.

“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces. He was despised, and we esteemed him not.”

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Reflections Michael Lennox Reflections Michael Lennox

What is Love?

Valentine’s Day — You either love it or you hate it. You either have somebody, or you don’t. It’s the one holiday that’s all about love. Looking forward to celebrating with that special someone makes for a day filled with excitement. But for those without a significant other, Valentine’s Day can feel like another holiday you just have to get through…

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

Is Free Will Real?

Do people have free will? This is a broad question that could be answered in several ways. It is also a complex question that has been debated, discussed, researched, and written about in great detail. Here I will point out some basics things to consider when determining if free will is real…

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Advent Michael Lennox Advent Michael Lennox

Can I Get a Witness?

Growing up in the Bible Belt of the Deep South, I occasionally heard this phrase when I would attend a friend’s church. The pastor would be praising God for all He had done, and then would suddenly say, “Can I get a witness?”. He was asking if anyone in the congregation would stand up and share something that God had done in their life…

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Advent Michael Lennox Advent Michael Lennox

Glory to God in the Highest

"Hark the Herald Angel Sing!" These lyrics are familiar to us during this time of year and constantly remind us of Jesus' miraculous birth. Charles Wesley, the author of this hymn, wrote over 6,000 songs during his ministry. His mission was to transform profound theological truths into musical pieces for the poor and uneducated, reflecting his heart of servitude.

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Answers By Impact Michael Lennox Answers By Impact Michael Lennox

Why is John such a different Gospel?

John is, for sure, a different sort of gospel: both in tone and content. You can tell from the first chapter (where John launches into a breathtaking, poetic prologue that starts before creation and previews the incarnation, rejection, mission, and triumph of Jesus) that this is going to be something distinctive…

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