The Source of True Peace
I grew up an Air Force brat, which means my childhood was spent moving and starting over every 2-3 years. I spent my high school years in Hawaii and Germany. While that gave me a chance to experience amazing things, I was often filled with insecurity. As soon as I felt settled somewhere, we’d be packing up for another move. At one point, we lived in 5 houses and 3 hotels in just over a year…
Chances are that you have been told many times to read your Bible on a regular basis and you would love to build on that habit, but you don’t really know where to start. Reading the Bible is a wonderful practice, but you want to dig deeper. What does it mean to really study the Bible?
Song Spotlight: Finished Work of Christ
Have you ever experienced shame so deep that you truly believed you were better off alone? That is one of the most common human experiences – to be face to face with a shame that tells you that you are worthless. How do we overcome this emotion and stop it from overwhelming our lives?
Spiritual Disciplines 101
What comes to mind when you hear the word “discipline?” Punishment, maybe? An angry teacher holding a detention slip? Boot camp? Yeah, me too. What you probably don’t think of (but should) is the word “disciple.” Spiritual disciple-ins are, simply put, practices that help us follow Jesus faithfully. They’re “habits of grace,” in the words of David Mathis: things we do on a regular basis because we want to know God better and enjoy his grace more deeply…
Testimony: Ely Plunket
I was born to loving parents who really wanted a child. They tried to have kids for 10 years with multiple miscarriages and so they were overjoyed to have a miracle baby. I grew up in church and with a Bible teacher dad so I knew all the answers. Many of the students at Impact are like me in this way. Growing up in a church with Christian parents who care about your faith is an amazing blessing…
Who is This Jesus?
He came into the world He created, born in a manger on a night in Bethlehem. He came quietly, but his coming was the moment the tide began to turn. The world had long ago rejected its maker, it would soon reject Him too, as it was written.
“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces. He was despised, and we esteemed him not.”
The Lord Will Provide
“So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day, it is said, ‘On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided” Genesis 22:14
When I was expecting my third child, I read a book called Radical by David Platt. He tells of how he challenged his church to do radical things as God called them—some sold houses and gave the money to missions, some left high-paying jobs to join the mission field, etc…
What Does the Bible Say About Satan?
This week, guest writer Nate Corley answers a student submitted question about the nature of Satan and how our understanding of who he is informs our view of God. Keep reading to learn more.
Song Spotlight: Gloria Patri
History nerds, rise up! This is your time to shine. Pop quiz - do you know what a doxology is and why they have been important to the church throughout time? If you said that a doxology is a short song or prayer that ascribes praise and glory to the Lord, then you would be correct! They have been used in church tradition as a response by the people of God to His character and actions…